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时间:2023-05-20 浏览:
100208 临床检验诊断学
招生计划数: 1             进入综合考核的比例: 1:2             应进入综合考核人数:2
序号 姓名 报名号 英语水平 学术成果 学术成果各项得分 总得分 是否同意进入综合考核环节
测试类型 分数 获得时间
1 任靖文 20239901153 CET-6 478 2021.6 1.科研论著:
1). Sha Yin#, Jingwen Ren#, Jie Xue, et al.Disparities in COVID-19 clinical studies from high-income and low-and middle-income countries[J]. International Journal of Infectious Dieases, 2023,132:9-16 (IF=12.074, Q1, Co-first author)
2). Jingwen Ren, Ting Yu, Ye Tian, et al. Comparative effectiveness of interventions for managing urological postoperative catheter-related bladder discomfort: a systematic review and network meta-analysis[J]. BMC urology, 2023,23(1):29-38.(IF =2.09, Q3)
40.635 40.635
2 邓超群 20239901148 CET-6 551 2019.6 1.科研论著:
共一第二作者 PCDH20 inhibits esophageal squamous cell carcinoma proliferation and migration by suppression of the mitogen-activated protein kinase 9/AKT/β-catenin pathway. Frontiers in Oncology SCI IF:5.738 202209
14.345 14.345
3 陈运伟 20239901149 CET-6 431 2023.3 / / / 自愿放弃考核